Africa’s first Rotary Eye Hospital in Lagos The idea was mooted in 2005 by Rotarian Naranbhai Patel and Dr D Mirani with support from firms like Chanrai Group and Kewalrams Group with the aim of giving back to the society."> Rest of Rotary World Africa’s first Rotary Eye Hospital in Lagos The idea was mooted in 2005 by Rotarian Naranbhai Patel and Dr D Mirani with support from firms like Chanrai Group and Kewalrams Group with the aim of giving back to the society. Sep 2017Sep 26 2017 The Guardian artificial limbs, Kewalrams Group, Lagos, nigeria, Palmgrove Estate Viewed: 867 Africa’s first Rotary Eye Hospital in Lagos The idea was mooted in 2005 by Rotarian Naranbhai Patel and Dr D Mirani with support from firms like Chanrai Group and Kewalrams Group with the aim of giving back to the society." href="">Read more