Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually."> Rest of Rotary World Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually. Jul 2018Jul 02 2018 Observer Chautauqua, Dunkirk, Fredonia, Jamestown, New York, Pennsylvania, Starflight Viewed: 768 Starflight chopper at Rotary breakfast Organised by the Rotary Club of Dunkirk-Fredonia, the Fly-In breakast event is a well-established tradition in the community and draws over 1,200 patrons annually." href="">Read more