Riverhead surgeons help poor families around the world Rotary has been supporting Dr Rajesh Patel's International Surgical Mission Support team with donations for several years."> Rest of Rotary World Riverhead surgeons help poor families around the world Rotary has been supporting Dr Rajesh Patel's International Surgical Mission Support team with donations for several years. May 2017May 08 2017 Denise Civiletti, riverheadlocal.com Brazil, eclampsia, Garden Festival, medical mission, Peconic Bay, Rajesh Patel, Riverhead Rotary, surgeons Viewed: 2,059 Riverhead surgeons help poor families around the world Rotary has been supporting Dr Rajesh Patel's International Surgical Mission Support team with donations for several years." href="https://rotarynewsonline.org/riverhead-surgeons-help-poor-families-around-the-world/">Read more