Rotary club takes up environment clean-up Rotary Club of Mansfield has adopted the biannual stream clean-up project in which a large number of volunteers take part to make the city litter-free and sustain its charm."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club takes up environment clean-up Rotary Club of Mansfield has adopted the biannual stream clean-up project in which a large number of volunteers take part to make the city litter-free and sustain its charm. Apr 2019Apr 22 2019 Emily Dech, Thrive Reporter Arbor Day, Bellville, dogwood, Lucas, Mansfield, Ohio, poplar Viewed: 619 Rotary club takes up environment clean-up Rotary Club of Mansfield has adopted the biannual stream clean-up project in which a large number of volunteers take part to make the city litter-free and sustain its charm." href="">Read more
Rotary club dedicates trees in memory of residents Five dogwood trees were planted with markers to honour Rotarians-cum-community activists who passed away last year as part of Earth Day activities by the club."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary club dedicates trees in memory of residents Five dogwood trees were planted with markers to honour Rotarians-cum-community activists who passed away last year as part of Earth Day activities by the club. Apr 2018 Neal Cardin, The News-Enterprise dogwood, Earth Day, Elizabethtown, Freeman Lake Park Viewed: 679 Rotary club dedicates trees in memory of residents Five dogwood trees were planted with markers to honour Rotarians-cum-community activists who passed away last year as part of Earth Day activities by the club." href="">Read more