Rotary grants for children programme, food bank Twelve organisations had applied for the grants and a committee selected seven nonprofits which received $80,400 for upgrading their infrastructure and services."> Rest of Rotary World Rotary grants for children programme, food bank Twelve organisations had applied for the grants and a committee selected seven nonprofits which received $80,400 for upgrading their infrastructure and services. Dec 2017Dec 18 2017 Ben Zigterman, The News-Gazette Cannon Grants, Champaign, food bank, Illinois Viewed: 707 Rotary grants for children programme, food bank Twelve organisations had applied for the grants and a committee selected seven nonprofits which received $80,400 for upgrading their infrastructure and services." href="">Read more
Get to know the ‘The World’s Greatest Rotary Club’ Champaign club membership reached a high of 260 when the county had just three Rotary clubs. Today there are seven clubs, and WGRC membership is 160"> Rest of Rotary World Get to know the ‘The World’s Greatest Rotary Club’ Champaign club membership reached a high of 260 when the county had just three Rotary clubs. Today there are seven clubs, and WGRC membership is 160 Apr 2017 T Tomaras, The News-Gazette Champaign, Frank Clark, Frank D Keck II, Illinois, Mattoon, paul harris, Rotary Club, WGRC Viewed: 1,108 Get to know the ‘The World’s Greatest Rotary Club’ Champaign club membership reached a high of 260 when the county had just three Rotary clubs. Today there are seven clubs, and WGRC membership is 160" href="">Read more