Bringing drinking water to a remote village

An NGO solves water problem at Khongwing village.

Drinking water supply is now regularly reaching to all households in Khongwing, a remote village in Ri Bhoi district, Meghalaya. Thanks to Delhi-based NGO, The Society for Action in Community Health (SACH) and CSR activities of HDFC Bank.

“The work to bring water to the village began a few months back with a feasibility study,” says Surendra Panwar, director, communication, SACH, adding that the most difficult exercise was to locate the new source of water and bring it to the villagers of Khongwing by laying a 2 km pipeline.

The supply of water to the village households would help them escape the drudgery of treading a long distance to fetch water, said Sach in a release.

For more details, read: The Shillong Times 

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