Fighting for Odisha’s tribals Thanks to the courage and hard work of one woman, thousands of tribals in Sundergarh district are able to live in dignity."> Projects Fighting for Odisha’s tribals Thanks to the courage and hard work of one woman, thousands of tribals in Sundergarh district are able to live in dignity. Jan 2015Nov 11 2016 Sarada Lahangir Viewed: 933 Fighting for Odisha’s tribals Thanks to the courage and hard work of one woman, thousands of tribals in Sundergarh district are able to live in dignity." href="">Read more
News Gary & Corinna light up Vanakkam Chennai Jan 2015Nov 11 2016 Team Rotary News Viewed: 929 Read more
No way to run Rotary In a hard hitting speech, RIPE K R Ravindran told Rotary leaders that if they didn’t cut cost and improve performance, they’d have no place to hide."> Main News No way to run Rotary In a hard hitting speech, RIPE K R Ravindran told Rotary leaders that if they didn’t cut cost and improve performance, they’d have no place to hide. Jan 2015Jul 12 2017 Rasheeda Bhagat Viewed: 991 No way to run Rotary In a hard hitting speech, RIPE K R Ravindran told Rotary leaders that if they didn’t cut cost and improve performance, they’d have no place to hide." href="">Read more
Projects Go to the Gym, get pregnant Tried, tested, here’s a new reason to hit the gym today. Jan 2015Dec 02 2016 Selvi and Kiran Zehra Viewed: 930 Go to the Gym, get pregnant Tried, tested, here’s a new reason to hit the gym today." href="">Read more
News Rotary My Flag My India India set a new Guinness record for the largest human flag. Jan 2015Dec 02 2016 Selvi and Kiran Zehra Viewed: 1,033 Rotary My Flag My India India set a new Guinness record for the largest human flag." href="">Read more
Giving away money! This Rotarian of 56 years built the Rotary Service Centre in Santacruz way back in 1965 when he was RC Bombay West President. He loves to give away his money ... in crores of rupees! "> Profiles Giving away money! This Rotarian of 56 years built the Rotary Service Centre in Santacruz way back in 1965 when he was RC Bombay West President. He loves to give away his money ... in crores of rupees! Jan 2015Dec 02 2016 Rasheeda Bhagat Viewed: 1,254 Giving away money! This Rotarian of 56 years built the Rotary Service Centre in Santacruz way back in 1965 when he was RC Bombay West President. He loves to give away his money ... in crores of rupees! " href="">Read more